Monday, April 28, 2008

4/26 Results

At Ripon.
Alex was the only one to score -- 8th in the 400H. High jumpers performed well for the conditions, which were tough. Most reached outdoor season best.

2.62/1.29/1.33/1.32/1.55/1.52/1.70/1.72/1.70/1.80/1.88 18.43
NH 38-02.75
6.84/4.84/4.88/4.96/5.27/5.47/5.83/6.16/6.26/6.27/7.19 63.97 [SB]
5-7 [SB] 17-5.5
7/4.57/4.76/4.88/5.09/5.48/5.71/6.10/6.18/5.89/6.53 62.19 [8th]
5-8.75 [SB]
5-7 [SB] 116-6

Complete Results: Men Women

Monday, April 21, 2008

4/19 Results

At Benedictine.
Heather had the top finish with a 7th in HJ.
Eric picked up 8th in 110H. Good improvements in 400H.

Eric 2.56/1.26/1.3/1.4/1.34/1.38/1.4/1.44/1.4/1.46/1.7 17.08 [8th] 64.06 [PR]
Aaron 68.94 [PR] 5-5.25 19-3.5
Rob 65.79 [SB]
Mat 66.63 [SB]
Steve 63.74 [PR] 16-10.5
Andy NH 18-1.5
Alex 7.15/4.72/4.81/4.81/4.90/5.16/5.41/5.49/5.98/6.03/6.57 61.40 [PR] NH
Heather 4-11 [7th] 2:27.72 [SB] 63.78

Complete Results

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dead Max

Current DL max weights (x bodyweight)…

510 Kevin (2.75)
470 Ryan (2.6)
460 Rob (2.55)
450 Z (2.37)
420 Eric (2.2)
400 Alex (2.75)
380 Steve (2.53)
370 Mat (2.24)

Monday, April 7, 2008

4/5 Results

At Oshkosh.
Kevin set a school record in the 110H and qualified for the final.

Kevin 15.86 [SR]
Eric 16.73 67.36
Aaron DQ 69.64 38-11 5-7.75
Mat 67.51
Steve 6.86/5.16/5.o5/5.03/5.41/5.98/6.50/6.77/6.94/7.38 68.49 17-4.75
Andy 5-5.75 19-0.75
Alex NH 37-3
Heather 4-9.75 61.51 [7th] 2:27.99 [7th]

Complete results Men Women
Aaron clears 5-7.75>>

Thursday, April 3, 2008

4/19 Meet Info

At Benedictine

10 a.m.
Long Jump - (2 pits) followed by Triple Jump (2 pits)
High Jump – men followed by women
Pole Vault – women followed by men
Shot Put – m/w whoever finishes discus/hammer 1st
Javelin – m/w whoever finishes discus/hammer 2nd

Women first, followed by men-unless stated otherwise
9:30 a.m.
10,000 Meters (W)
10,000 Meters (M)
5,000 Meters (W)
3,000 Meter Steeplechase (M)
3,000 Meter Steeplechase (W)

12:45 p.m.
400 Meter Relay
1,500 Meters
100 Meter Hurdles-Finals
110 Meter Hurdles-Finals
400 Meters
100 Meters-Finals
800 Meters
400 Meter Hurdles
200 Meters
5,000 Meters (M)
1,600 Meter Relay
All races will be run fast heat/sections first

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Days You Don't Hurdle

If you are not in a field event, what do you do on the days you don't hurdle?

Do a general warmup: over/under, mobility circles, hip swings, skip drills (forward, back, extension), run drills (high knees, back, quick leg) and 5 easy 40m strides. This will take about 15 minutes.

If inside: 2x5x160 with 1/2 lap walk recovery between reps and 1 lap walk between sets. 4-lap cruisedown and stretch. This will take about 15 minutes.

If outside on a Tuesday: 2x2x200 @ your 2nd 200 of a 400 pace (about 2 seconds slower than your first 200). For example, if you run a 60, your first 200 would be 29 and your second 31, so you target a 31 for the first 200 and 31 or faster for the second 200 in the set. You rest 2 minutes between the 2 200s and then 10-15 minutes between the two sets (and before doing the cruise down that follows) 2-lap cruisedown (run 200, float 200, jog 200, walk 200) and stretch. This will take about 30 minutes.

If outside on a Thursday: 2x5x100 @ 75% or slower. If you run 100m in about 12.5, you should run these tempo 100s in about 16 to 17 seconds. Your rest between reps is about 40-45 seconds and about 4 minutes (walk a lap) between sets. You don't need to be too time conscious with these, but you don't want them to get too fast so it becomes a higher intensity workout.
Follow this with stretching. This will take about 20 minutes.

These workouts are lower intensity and develop your general conditioning and work capacity while providing some recovery. The Tuesday outdoor workout also targets 400m pacing.

Outdoor Lifting

Because of time limitations when we go outside, you will need to lift either earlier in the day or later in the evening. Occasionally, you can skip the lifting altogether, but it's better if you can get it in so you are not reduced to once a week. You won't make gains with that, but you will be able to maintain the strength you have.

You know the routine, but if you work alone, you will need to drop the weights when you clear your knees rather than relying on spotters. Use the locking sleeves to keep the weights on. If you get complaints about dropping the weight, you can lower it but don't do any more than 2 to 3 reps in a set. You don't want to stay under tension longer than that.

As per usual, work in a total rep range of 6 to 10.

2x95%, 3x90%, 4x85% is a good default.
If you are feeling tired, sore, etc., work more around 85% (3x3x85% for example).
If you are feeling strong, you could do 4x2x95%
Or 3x3x90%. You get the idea.

Always do plyos after sets. Singles or doubles, with or without boxes, on/off or just over all work.

Remember to rest 4-5 minutes between sets.