Friday, December 28, 2007

Weights and Plyos

  • 5 min general warmup — jog, bike, jump rope, jumping jacks, over/unders, etc.
  • 3 x: 15 back ext (5 double, 5 singles w/each leg) + 10x elevated pushups + 12sec iso abs
  • 1-5x deadlift reps (lift to knees, drop weight or use spotters — total reps ~10 — working at 85% max or greater)
  • 3×3 quick horizontal hops off 8″ box or just hops in place targeting quick ground contact
  • Rest 5 minutes after the jumps and then start next set of DLs.

    Supplemental: Bench or Incline Press done similar to DLs (reps, sets, rest).

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