Friday, December 28, 2007

NAC 07 Indoor

2007 NAC

Men's Team Results
1. Aurora University, 186
2. Concordia Wisconsin, 156
3. Wisconsin Lutheran, 87
4. Benedictine University, 70
5. Rockford College, 47
6. Concordia Chicago, 46
7. Edgewood College, 5

Women's Team Results
1. Concordia Wisconsin, 213.5
2. Wisconsin Lutheran, 122.5
3. Aurora University, 110
4. Benedictine University, 69
5. Concordia Chicago, 42
6. Edgewood College, Rockford College, 5

Weights and Plyos

  • 5 min general warmup — jog, bike, jump rope, jumping jacks, over/unders, etc.
  • 3 x: 15 back ext (5 double, 5 singles w/each leg) + 10x elevated pushups + 12sec iso abs
  • 1-5x deadlift reps (lift to knees, drop weight or use spotters — total reps ~10 — working at 85% max or greater)
  • 3×3 quick horizontal hops off 8″ box or just hops in place targeting quick ground contact
  • Rest 5 minutes after the jumps and then start next set of DLs.

    Supplemental: Bench or Incline Press done similar to DLs (reps, sets, rest).

A Dozen Hurdle Tips

  1. Run tall. Stay off heels and up on ball of foot.
  2. Minimize ground contact time. Quick taps between hurdles.
  3. Don’t lock in a rhythm — accelerate off hurdles.
  4. Project hips through hurdle. Don’t sit back, bending at waist.
  5. Sprint through hurdles not to hurdles.
  6. Stay square — avoid rotation.
  7. Thumbs up to avoid hands that pass midline.
  8. Shorten — don’t reach — on step before takeoff.
  9. Drive knee — not foot — toward hurdle.
  10. As hurdle height increases — drive knee higher, lean more, sweep trail arm wider.
  11. Don’t snap down, jerking trunk upward. Hold lean and push lead leg down.
  12. Run along lead leg side of hurdles, allowing space for trail leg.

Touchdown Times

Here’s how splits translate approximately to men’s 55H race times:
1.20 ~8
1.25 Low 8

1.30 Mid 8
1.35 High 8

1.40 ~9
1.45 Low 9
1.50 Mid 9
1.55 High 9

Red times place among the top NAC hurdlers.
Blue times score.
Green times likely score. (Eric/Alex)
Black times might score.
In women’s race, green leads, black scores.

January Training Schedule

  • M Weights+Plyos; Hurdle Starts 1-2H; 8-5 160s (+8>+5, 1:45) meet wk
  • T HJ; Fly Sprints
  • W Weights+Plyos; Hurdle Splits 2-3H; [400H: 2x320+80]
  • T Field Events and/or Fly Sprints
  • F 2x5x160 with 1/2 lap rest/1 lap rest meet wk OR Mon. W+P+160s if no meet
  • S Race or Rest

End all workouts with cooldown/stretching.