Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Week 9: 12/28, 12/26

12/28 KC. Noah did some foam rolling and then swings and cycles with some high schoolers who were in for training. Stride mechanics and bursts: march, skip, back skip, switch hop, dribbles. Wicket accels to H1. Hurdle drills: 1-steppers, 3-step march, 3-step elevator speedbuilders (up to 42). Starts over H1 and H2 (36" -1.5'). Noah is making good progress. Technique for this stage of development is good but intensity and speed need to be added going forward. Some good progress on finishing the trail leg and some progress on cycling the lead. Noah lifted after hurdling.

12/26 KC. Deven did 5 min bike warm up, 90-90, rolling, swings, cycles and a series of stride drills plus bursts: March, Skips, Switch-hops, High knees, Dribbles, Wickets. Accels with and without resistance. 1/2H skipover lead and trail, 1-steppers, 1/2space3s, 4- 6-step power hurdles. Relative 17s.  DL ISOs, KB swing, lunge, sgl DL, box2box step up, press, split squat, hi-lo walk, goblet squat. Rolling. Deven did well in working to cycle the lead and to stay tall coming off the hurdles.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Week 8: 12/21, 12/19, 12/18

12/21 KC. More HJ tonight -- Sam and Noah mixed in some HJ with sprint and PV, respectively. Keaton, Nick, Rachel and Michaela were there for the duration. Started with flexibility, fwd and bkw skips, L+R shuffle, 3-point line runs -- some with pop up, pop turns, takeoff skips, low walks. 4-step approach to sit on stacked mats, which we did primarily for Noah and Sam. Each jumper selected their own targets for improvement -- mostly at moderate heights. Finished with rudiments to strengthen ankles and lower legs (double and single mini hops with minimal knee flexion).

12/19 KC. Big group at the HJ pit tonight: Sam, Keaton, Nick, Noah, Maia, Bianca, Lea, Michaela and Rachel. Started with flexibility exercises and then some warm up skips and shuffles with jog backs. Ground drills were 3-pt-line runs, pop turns, takeoff skips and low walks. Pit drills were bridges, flipovers, backovers and 2-step jumps. Full run throughs followed and then 5-6x full jumps. Lea made a jump near 5-1. Rachel made 4-8 and was very close at 4-11. Michaela, Maia and Bianca worked around 4-8 as did Sam. Noah made 4-8 and took a few jumps at 4-11. Keaton made 5-4 and had some close ones at 5-7. Nick cleared 5-7 and took some good attempts at 5-11.

12/18 KC/VF. Deven was outside with sprint group for broken 375s and bodyweight exercises. Holly, Jess, Maia, Bianca, Noah and later Des worked high hurdles. Went through an extensive menu: cat-camels, cobra-dogs, 90-90s, fwd and side swings, A walk, burst, Bk walk, burst, side shuffles with bursts, fwd skips, bk skips, carioca L+R, high skips, straight leg bounds, bent leg bounds, wall drives, hurdle pushes, hop starts, 1/2 hurdle walkovers, hangers, 1/2-space3s, falling start H1, 3-point H2, block H3, block H4 (-2' 27/30), 2x30m with 21" H1 to work on sprinting through and maintaining acceleration. KB banded switches, hi-lo knee drives, swings, walking lunges, goblet squats, single-leg deadlift, box to box step up, press. Rudiments: dbl fwd bkw L +R, sgl fwd bkw L+R over 8.5m. Stretching/rolling.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Week 7: 12/11-16

12/14 KC. Rachel, Michaela and Keaton were jumping (and Nick). 30-min independent warm up as pre-meet rehearsal then 6 to 9 jumps at various heights. Keaton was in 5-3 to 5-6 range. Michaela and Rachel were in 4-6 to 4-9 range. Des and Brian did an independent warm up and then some hurdle drills: marching3s, 1-steppers, 1/2-space3s, power hurdles. Then, high-speed reps over 1-4 hurdles. High jumpers ended with some single-leg strength work with boxes and kettlebells.

12/13 KC. Off day, but Spencer was in to do some accelerations and strength work, getting his training started.

12/12 KC. Keaton, Bianca, Maia, Rachel, Lea, Katie and Michaela started with flexibility exercises.Moved into field house for over-knee lunges, swings, low walks, forward and back skips, takeoff skips, 3-pt line runs, pop turns, rim/net jumps, pit bridges, pit flipovers, backovers, scissors jumps, short approach jumps, full run throughs, full jumps over bungee, forward-backward single leg freezes, one-leg bench jumps, line hops sideways and forward-backward, medball single leg ups, split squat jumps, side pops.

12/11 KC. Jess trained early. Des, Maia, Bianca, Holly, Deven and Noah. 90-90, catcamel, cobdog, plankreach, fw skips, bk skips, shuffle, carioca, swings, cycles, hop switch, dribbles. Marching 3-step H,  1/2-space3s, 1-steppers, power 4s and 6s. H1, H2, H4 2-3x each. TB DL Isos 3x5 plus 3x5 eccentric pushups. Mini hops: dbl F+B, dbl L+R side, sgl F+B, sgl L+R side. Rolling and stretching.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

UWM: High jumpers kick off season

12/9 Milwaukee. Good "icebreaker" meet for high jumpers. Bianca and Rachel both cleared 4-7, Michaela 4-9 (#10 all time) and Lea 4-11 (#4 all time). Keaton made 5-3 in men's competition.

Week 6: 12/4-8

I was in Arizona. Jess led Monday's hurdle workout, Rachel led Tuesday and Thursday high jump workouts. Wednesday was an off day. Friday a circuit.