Thursday, February 26, 2009

Outdoor Practice

M- 110/100 hurdlers will work at MU (weather permitting) . Others with sprinters.
T - High jump will always be indoors at the Kern. Others with field or sprinters.
W- Everyone (other than distance) will run with sprint group (MU or Kern).
T - 400 hurdlers will work at MU (weather permitting). Others with field or sprinters.
F- Everyone will do sticks and/or starts (and lift if no meet on Saturday).
S- Competition.

Sprinters will do speed on M-W. T-T tempo.
When in the Kern, we will lift as a group first.
When we are at MU, you will lift on your own, preferably on a speed day (morning, after practice or evening). Critical to lift at least once a week. Two is better.

Typically, we go over to MU if the weather is 45 degrees or warmer, not rainy, not too windy. If so, we stay in the Kern. When we go outside, dress appropriately. Always bring -- and likely wear -- sweats.

Because of time constraints due to transportation, you have to be very efficient when training at MU.

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