Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ready to Compete

Heading into the first meet, some things to help you perform your best…

1. Prepare. Practice is key. You can’t perform much, if any, better than you practice. But there are additional things you need to put yourself in position to perform as well as you can. Sleep – 7-8 hours consistently. Eat well – fruit, vegetables and lean protein sources (low-glycemic foods are best – apples, whole grains, etc.). Hydrate before, during and after competition. Bring needed equipment – spikes with correct elements, chalk or other markers if you are jumping, etc., and diversions – books, music players, etc., to deal with time when not competing. Know the events in which you are entered, make sure you are on the heat sheets, know your event times and/or order, your heats or flights, etc.
2. Set Goals. Set targets you can achieve, whether based on time, technique, mindset or something else you can control. Having place goals (win, top 3, make final, etc.) are OK, but you can’t control the competition. A performance goal (split-time average, overall time, height, etc.) or technique goal (3-step all hurdles, accelerate through the HJ takeoff, etc.) or mindset goal (attack hurdles, run aggressively, stay relaxed, etc.) are better.
3. Provide High Effort. Bring your A game. Don’t get conservative, hesitant or lazy. You may feel tired, ill, sore, etc., but you still need to perform. Focus on the task not on how you feel. If you wait for the day when you feel great to finally perform with a max effort, you may never deliver it. In other words, practice delivering your best effort, it will be there every time.
4. Compete. Focus on you. Pay no attention to the competition. Just execute your technique with confidence and relaxed intensity.
5. Learn. Learn from each competition. Reflect on what was good and a thing or two that can be better and a focus of your next training session.
6. Support. Help your teammates. Encourage them. Provide tech advice. Though you compete individually, support can enhance performance and add fun.
7. Be Safe. Avoid wandering into others warming up, throwing areas, etc. Don’t bring valuables unless you can keep them secured.

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