Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Summer Meets

Most of you will be busy this summer or just taking well-deserved rest. But if you are looking to compete this summer, here are some suggestions...

Check the USATF site. You can search for meets there but there are others, too...

6/12 UW Madison: Development Meet (enter at meet - low key)

6/18 UW Madison: Development Meet (see earlier link)

6/21 Apple Valley MN: Kangaroo HJ Fesival

6/22 Carroll College: USATF WI (Entries due June 6)

6/25 UW Madison: Development Meet (see earlier link)

6/28 UW Oshkosh: Badger State Games (WI athletes only. Entries due 6/11 mail or 6/23 online)

7/10 UW Madison: Development Meet (see earlier link)

7/12 Sterling IL HS: (low key - mostly kids but open to all) I will add a link when available.

7/17 Waukesha South HS: Development Meet (enter at meet - low key - mostly kids)

7/24 Waukesha South HS: Development Meet

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Point Leaders

Who scored the most points in our group's events (hurdles and high jump) for the combined NAC indoor/outdoor meets? Here's the list...

20 Catherine
18 Heather
16 Alex
11 Kevin
7 Eric
3 Rob
2 Aaron

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Outdoor Power Rankings

5 Club
1. Dom Maio 800 (5.95)
2. Brian Seniuk 400 (5.85)
3. Dom Maio 1500 (5.84)
4. Brian Seniuk 100 (5.48)
5. 4x4 (5.40)
6. 4x1 (5.36)
7. Brian Seniuk 200 (5.26)
8. Ben Bichler 400 (5.19)
9. Heather Delany 800 (5.13)
10. Ben Bichler 800 (5.12)
11. Kyle Rate TJ (5.10)

Overfast Group
  1. Heather HJ (4.74)
  2. Kevin 110H (4.47)
  3. Alex 400H (4.38)
  4. Aaron HJ (4.14)
  5. Andy HJ (4.02)
  6. Kevin HJ (4.02)
  7. Eric 110H (3.59)
  8. Steve 400H (3.21)
  9. Eric 400H (3.19)
  10. Rob 400H (2.72)
  11. Mat 400H (2.63)
  12. Aaron 400H (2.02)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

5/10 Results

At Madison.

Rob 1:02.46
Steve 1:06.03

Complete Results

Sunday, May 4, 2008

5/3 Results

NAC Conference at Benedictine.

Strong contributions from hurdlers and high jumpers to help win the team championship under some difficult weather. Three places in both men's hurdles and men's high jump. Conference title and record for Heather in women's HJ.

Heather 4-11 [1st-Conference Record]
Alex 18.39 [6th-SB] 1:01.56 [5th] 5-9.25 [5th-SB]
Eric 16.83 [4th] 1:03.85 [8th-SB]
Rob 20.95 [8th] 1:02.35 [7th-SB]
Steve 1:04.81
Mat 1:06.17 [SB]
Aaron 5-7.25 [7th]
Kevin 5-5.25 [8th]
Andy 5-5.25

Complete Results

Outdoor Records / Performance Lists

MSOE Outdoor Records
Kevin Diederich 15.86 UW-Oshkosh 04/05/08
Catherine Chappell 15.23 UW-Oshkosh 05/24/07
Ben Patterson 58.14 Olivet Nazarene 04/21/07
Heather DeLany 65.47 UW-River Falls 05/06/05
Adam Lewis 6-2 Ripon 04/28/01
Catherine Chappell 5-3.75 UW-Oshkosh 05/24/07

2008 MSOE Performance List
Kevin Diederich 15.86*
Eric Hein 16.73
Alex Raver 18.39
Rob Coehoorn 20.75
Alex Raver 61.40
Rob Coehoorn 62.35
Steve Doocy 63.74
Eric Hein 63.85
Mat Johnson 66.17
Aaron Choate 68.84
Alex Raver 5-9.25
Aaron Choate 5-7.75
Andy Donalds 5-7
Kevin Diederich 5-7
Heather DeLany 4-11

* School record

2008 NAC Performance List